5 easy steps of getting rid of Maine Coons fleas
5 easy steps of getting rid of Maine Coons fleas
Hot summer!
In these latter days, a large-scale flea invasion has taken place due to the strong heat. It is clear that Maine Coons do not go out, but fleas can easily get into your house if you have a dog and need to walk it. Fleas can also get into your dwelling if wild cats live nearby. How to get rid of the fleas? The most widespread way is using special drugs. Revolution is considered to be one of the most effective drugs. Milder drugs containing pesticides such as Permethrin can be slightly effective since fleas adapt to them in the course of time. Concerning Permethrin, it can help adult Maine Coons but only in case the fleas taste the blood of the treated Maine Coon. But using this drug will not be effective if the fleas feel something wrong and jump down on time.

5 easy steps of getting rid of Maine Coon’s fleas
If you find at least one flea on your Maine Coon, you can be certain to find a lot more fleas on it. It is necessary to get rid of fleas within the shortest possible time. Providing you ignore and do not treat the fleas, the life of your beloved pet can be endangered. There are 5 easy steps which will help you remove fleas.
Checking a Maine Coon for fleas
On average, a flea eats as much as 15xs its weight in blood. This means that every flea on the body of a Maine Coon takes this amount of blood from the cats circulatory system every time this flea bites the cat. It is recommended to check your Maine Coon for fleas at least once a week, especially if your cat spends some time outdoors. Concerning Maine Coon kittens, they typically do not show such signs of fleas as biting and itching. Providing you see your kitten itching and biting and find fleas on it, it is highly likely allergic to the flea saliva. The saliva is shared when a flea bites your Maine Coon. Fleas can cause extremely severe and even deadly problems. The pet can become entirely dehydrated and severely lethargic within a very short time. If fleas occur on a small Maine Coon kitten, it can die within just a few days. When becoming lethargic, the cat stops eating and drinking as well as loses any interest in playing. The only thing your cat will do is having a rest and sleeping. Your Maine Coon will become dehydrated very quickly if it does not eat and drink for some time. The blood supply of the cat is drained when it is bitten by a flea.
In order to remove fleas, follow the 5 steps described below:
If your Maine Coon kittens age is up to 8 weeks, follow the 5 steps below. If it is older than 8 weeks, you can use methods applied to get rid of fleas on adult Maine Coon cats.
Step 1 - Giving a flea bath
Fill in your bathtub with warm but not hot water in order not to burn your favorite pet. First of all, slowly place your Maine Coon kitten butt into the water so that it will not panic. Use a special flea shampoo earmarked for kittens. Rub the shampoo into the lather starting from behind the kittens ears.
Continue this procedure down the kittens back. Completely rub the shampoo to the skin. It is necessary to lather all Maine Coon kittens body from the neck to tail. You should also soap the kittens belly and feet.
Red water on a Maine Coon kitten
If the water on your Maine Coon kitten turns red, do not panic. The flea ‘dirt is actually blood. The flea droppings turn red when the dirt is mixed with the water. Hold your kitten in the water. Only the head should stick out. This will let you remove fleas. Similar to your favorite pet, fleas do not like water. Continue holding your Maine Coon kitten in this position and gently rub its coat for nearly 10 minutes.
After a while, you will see fleas coming up to the kittens face and trying to get out of the water. Tenderly stroke the face of the kitten and force the fleas back into the water.
Step 2 – Drying a Maine Coon kitten
After bathing, get your Maine Coon kitten out of the water. Gently rub its body with a clean towel. You need to dry your kitten as much as you can so that it will not catch a cold.
Step 3 Applying a flea drops

After drying a Maine Coon kitten, you will need to apply a flea drops. Please, carefully follow the directions written on the drops ontainer. Choose the suitable drops for the kittens that are 8 weeks old or younger.
Step4 Applying a flea collar
The next thing you need to do is using a flea collar. Carefully read the label and make sure that the collar is earmarked for 8-week-old kittens.
Step 5 Checking
It is desirable that you continue checking your Maine Coon for fleas every day after doing the procedure mentioned above. It is possible to safely treat a kitten which is older than 8 weeks with a special flea therapy.
Now you have successfully treated your Maine Coon kitten for fleas. In order to entirely get rid of fleas, I would you recommend fumigating the whole house so that you will not need to undergo the procedure mentioned above again.
Healthy kitten free from fleas
If you have any comments or questions, do not hesitate to write them below. I am ready to contact 24 hours per day. An article called Is there a flea medicine for kittens? can be found below.