DreamCoon Chong
My name is Shayn, I adopted a kitten from you on 01/19/2022.
I wanted to let you know he is doing amazing!! We ended up moving down to Florida. He made two round trips back and forth to Delaware between May 22 and June 22. He was incredibly well behaved and didnt raise one fuss the whole time.
After moving to Florida we moved into a nice little house with a back porch. There he got to experience a little of the nature and wildlife Florida has to offer. He loved being able to lay out and listen to the water.
We have now moved onto a home without a porch but still a nice view of the water. When he isnt sleeping in the sun, he has tons of energy and loves running up and down the steps. We live in a house with my brother and girlfriend. Which means he is getting a constant stream of attention. Thank You so much for giving me the opportunity to adopt such an amazing animal. He has truly made my life great and I cant imagine life without him.
We have now moved onto a home without a porch but still a nice view of the water. When he isnt sleeping in the sun, he has tons of energy and loves running up and down the steps. We live in a house with my brother and girlfriend. Which means he is getting a constant stream of attention.
Thank You so much for giving me the opportunity to adopt such an amazing animal. He has truly made my life great and I cant imagine life without him.