Oliver Twist (Wheat Bran)
Hi Elena,
Just wanted to let you know that Wheat Bran is doing very well and getting acclimated to his new home and friend Humphrey.
We renamed Wheat Bran to Oliver Twist.
He’s a very sweet kitten and you can tell he was well taken care of by you and your family.
Attaching some pictures so you can see how well hes doing here.
Thank you so much for the lovely kitten. We adore him.
Merry Christmas.
I hope you had a wonderful one, additionally I hope your daughter is doing better.
She will remain in our thoughts and prayers.
Oliver is doing very well, hes such a love.
He is doing great with our bulldog.
Sending a couple of pictures, we got another cat tree so he has one on each level in the house,
he seems to really enjoy that.
Currently feeding him the Royal Canin kitten Mainecoon food.
I did not realize they did one just for Mainecoon kittens.