Fredy DreamCoon
Hey Elena, hope all is well. Just wanted to stop by and let you know how fredy is doing.
He is now 15lbs and 38 inches in length! His tail alone is 16in! Im thankful to call him mine. He’s a joy to have and really amusing to just sit and watch. It seems lately that hes just discovered gravity and loves to knock any and everything to the ground just to watch it fall. haha. Especially if theres any sort of liquid in it. Hes fascinated with water. If I dont know where hes at in the house all I have to do is turn a sink on and immediately I hear the thud of him jumping down from wherever he was perched and within seconds hes on the counter top halfway in the sink just so he can lay and stare at the water coming out the faucet. Hes something else!
Ive attached some photos to try and show off his size but I just dont feel they do him justice. Hes getting so big!