Good evening Elena,
I hope you and your family are doing well?
I just wanted to drop you a line, shortly after Pepe has turned 3 years old.
We love her so much!
I do not believe that we have met any cat or Maine Coon for that matter that has so much personality!
She is so incredibly smart & naughty too (tries everything under the sun to get our attention when she wants to play).
And she gets super excited when it is play time with all the trills and thrilled noises.
Maybe from when you bottle fed her when she was tiny, she thought she could speak human too because she has such a wide range of trills & sounds!
She brings laughter to our home!
But that is only part of why I am writing.
I have been very sick for a while now, and she truly is in tuned to how I am feeling.
She stays close and keeps track of where I am.
And she gives me so much loving to make me feel better.
She means the world to me.
And the lives she gives helps to comfort me.
Even when she was a less than a year old I believe,
I hurt one of my toes and shortly after she came over and licked that exact toe!
Pepe is one of a kind in our eyes.
And I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for pairing us with her.