TICA & WCF registered and certified Cattery
Cattery of cats of breed Maine Coon «Maine Coon of my dreams»

Wonder Foma
January 02 2017
Black (cold) tabby
He is a beautiful fellow. 
A gentle giant and he has the most wonderful personality! 

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DreamCoon Hunred
February 26 2023
Red smoke
Elena I love my kittens. They are all gorgeous, with different personalities. Eugene and Oliver are older and right now big boys. If Walter and Hunred are smaller or bigger they are still my babies, d... Read more
DreamCoon Forilia
April 07 2022
Black tabby with white
DreamCoon Uma Polar
August 07 2022
Black silver tabby

ere are a few pictures of Uma: 


Uma sprawled on a blanket between my legs yesterday, a favorite spot. 


Uma full pose in the window May 2023. 


Uma on her climbing post...

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DreamCoon Chong
November 22 2021
Black smoke with white

My name is Shayn, I adopted a kitten from you on 01/19/2022.

I wanted to let you know he is doing amazing!! We ended up moving down to Florida. He made two round trips back and forth to ...

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DreamCoon Iron
February 27 2023
Black silver tabby
He’s adjusting well! Acts like he owns the place!


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May 30 2022
Blue tabby with white
Jingxuan Z.
Here are the boys Princeton and Preston living their best lives.


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May 30 2022
Blue tabby with white
Jingxuan Z.
Here are the boys Princeton and Preston living their best lives. ❤️❤️❤️


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DreamCoon Energo
November 07 2022
Red tabby
Here are some recent photos!! They are such lovers.


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DreamCoon Hilarion PP
January 31 2023
Black tabby with white
Zertina is wonderful! She is now Zoe. lol. I have attached a couple of pictures.

Cheri Jozwiak


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Escentric Charmy
May 21 2016
Black tabby
DreamCoon Valvo
August 19 2022
Black silver tabby with white
This little guy is is doing great. We will certainly let you know when we find a fitting name for him.

Thank you, Jason


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DreamCoon Prego PP
August 15 2022
I hope you are doing well! I wanted to update you on mr Ares, he was previously named Aga. He is doing awesome and had a hilarious personality. It is amazing how fast this little guy is growing too!... Read more
DreamCoon Bonjourno
November 01 2022
Black silver tabby
Hi there. Just wanted to give you and update! He is doing wonderful. Living his best life. My spouse and daughter fell in love with him immediately. He sleeps everynight on my pillow above my head. He... Read more
DreamCoon Erazer
November 07 2022
DreamCoon Varnava
October 24 2022
Black silver tabby with white
DreamCoon Vanessa Peachee
October 24 2022
Black tortie with white
DreamCoon Verter
June 14 2018
DreamCoon Thamara
August 27 2021
Blue with white
DreamCoon Bingo!
November 01 2022
Black smoke shaded
Bingo is doing fantastic and adjusting well. We're petty sure he's the best kitten ever. And he's so handsome and intelligent. We're just over the moon about him.

We've started calling him Elliott...

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DreamCoon Timathy
July 05 2022
Black smoke shaded
Umina and Timathy are really growing!


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DreamCoon Umina
August 14 2022
Blue cream tortie
Umina and Timathy are really growing!


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DreamCoon Watt
April 28 2019
Black tabby
DreamCoon Melanesia PP
June 26 2022
Black silver tabby
DreamCoon Oliverus
September 27 2021
Hi! Oliverus (now Albus) is doing great!! He is such a sweet and talkative boy that loves cuddles. Attached are a few pictures.


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DreamCoon Kage
April 16 2022
DreamCoon Argo
April 01 2022
Blue tabby with white
We have a marvelous little boy and are very pleased with him.

Wish you luck with your business!



Hi Elana, Oliver (Argo) is doing very well. We are thinking of getting him...

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DreamCoon Grazia PP
February 28 2022
Black silver tabby
Hello! We purchased Grazia in June (she was from the Feb 28 litter), and we now call her Freya. She is growing up to be a beautiful girl! She was tiny when we got her - she was only 3.2 pounds at 16 weeks.... Read more
DreamCoon Manila
May 03 2022
She made it safe.
She has a little nervous but actually started to play with the cat toys pretty quickly!
She got an hour and half of play time. A bath and then we all went to bed. Some needed down...

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DreamCoon Oishi
May 06 2022
Black tabby with white
Hello :) She is the best little cat we could have asked for! She’s so loving and playful and she’s always right next to one of our kids.


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DreamCoon Nord
May 04 2022
Black tabby
He is on patrol at my pet store. Official customer greeter. born 5/4/2022


08/11/2022 Oh yea his is 14.1 pounds at 10 months
he is eating that Acana limited ingredients he was getting...

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DreamCoon Donnia
December 05 2021
Black silver tabby
DreamCoon Angola
May 11 2022
Black tortie with white
Also I wanted to share how big and beautiful they’re getting! They’re absolute angels



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DreamCoon Lotte
September 01 2021
Black silver tabby
Here are some pictures of Lotte! We call him Winter now and love him so so much!


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DreamCoon Xeveritto
January 03 2022
Black tabby with white
We got Bronco (Xeveritto) from you in April and have been delighted to have him. He is growing up to be smart and playful, and we love it.

We are working towards traveling with him to India next...

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DreamCoon Math
June 11 2022
Hey!! :)

He's doing wonderful and getting all of the spoils!! Bryce had fun bonding on the car ride and would spoil the little guy with pets and scritches. :) I was excited to hear how the visit went...

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DreamCoon Zermatt
October 28 2021
Black silver tabby
Hello there,
This is Vicki in Belize with Lynx……aka…Zermatt when with you. I HOPE YOU are both well!
I am sure you are inundated with photographs of your wonderful kittens…I couldn’t resist to ...

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DreamCoon Ferdinando Stefano PP
April 07 2022
Cream with with white
he's doing great! Growing.. just last vet appointment he was 7.2 he's way bigger now! We love him! If you get a black one let me know!



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Samira Black
March 25 2022
DreamCoon Onella
May 06 2022
Black Tortie
Hi... she's doing well. She was spayed first of the week, but is no worse for the wear... pictures attached.



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DreamCoon Lika PP
September 01 2021
Black tabby with white
Just a note that Lika (now 'Lucy") and Maddie (was "Havanna") are starting to bond. It's taken a week but they are getting there...

We saw the vet and they all thought she was adorable. She's ...

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DreamCoon Havanna
November 25 2015
Just a note that Lika (now 'Lucy") and Maddie (was "Havanna") are starting to bond. It's taken a week but they are getting there...

We saw the vet and they all thought she was adorable. She's ...

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DreamCoon Aureliano
November 14 2021
Black tabby
DreamCoon Vincentia
October 18 2021
Black silver tabby
DreamCoon Omrao Sun
May 06 2022
Red with white
DreamCoon Dameon
February 12 2022
Black silver tabby with white
He is too sweet! Learning how to sleep in the bed at night with me but a very busy boy none the less...


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November 01 2016
Black classic tabby
DreamCoon Dard Friskes
February 12 2022
DreamCoon Bellissimo
April 02 2021
Blue tabby
DreamCoon Naira
May 04 2022
Black tabby with white
Our new family members have been with us for a week now and it’s going great! Maeve is the most relaxed and loving kitten I’ve ever met. She is fast friends with everyone who comes in the house. Kimiko... Read more
DreamCoon Fausto
July 28 2019
Black silver tabby
The kids turned 3 this weekend, thought you would like to see some pics!

B/W is Quinn Oreo Panda Silver is Maverick Monkey of Mayhem

Hope all is well! The new kittens are BEAUTIFUL!


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DreamCoon Cartier
July 30 2019
Black with white
The kids turned 3 this weekend, thought you would like to see some pics!

B/W is Quinn Oreo Panda Silver is Maverick Monkey of Mayhem

Hope all is well! The new kittens are BEAUTIFUL!


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DreamCoon Enricia
February 18 2022
Black tabby with white
Here is our Lola. She is almost 11 months old and weighs almost 12 pounds. She is a love, very playful and affectionate.

Happy New Year

Muriel and John Ogilvie

11/01/2023 Read more
DreamCoon Arctic Max
August 04 2020
DreamCoon Giulianna
February 28 2022
Blue tabby
She is growing so fast! I’ve attached some pics. Best wishes to you and family:)



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DreamCoon Aozou
May 11 2022
Black smoke with white
His first morning at his new home

 Our new family member is doing really well he is full of energy and loves to play our daughter is loving him and was so surprised when she saw him….I will...

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DreamCoon Emir III
December 01 2021
Red smoke
He's a joy!



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DreamCoon Aluminia
April 01 2022
Black silver tabby
DreamCoon Franchesca PP
April 07 2022
Black silver tabby with white
Hi Elena,

Hope you’re doing well. Here are current photos of Beckett and Skye. They are doing well and causing trouble whenever possible, as expected. They both love the dog now and run to greet...

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DreamCoon Archimed
April 01 2022
Black tabby with white
Hi Elena, 
Hope you’re doing well. 
Here are current photos of Beckett and Skye. They are doing well and causing trouble whenever possible, as expected. They both love the dog now and run to...
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DreamCoon Varadero
January 07 2022
Blue tabby with white
December 25 2019
Black silver tortie
Mark and Jill F.
DreamCoon Dakar
December 05 2021
Red with white
Dakar, now Julious, is doing great. Thank you so much.


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DreamCoon Jupiterina
August 12 2021
Black tortie with white
we have been living with our Shelby for 8 months and we are very happy. She has grown up very well and has become beautiful. She is very friendly and very playful, she has adapted well to the house. Our... Read more
DreamCoon Juar
August 12 2021
Black tabby
We just wanted to share some photos of Juar (now called Tico)…he has settled very well into his new home. He is very playful & affectionate, truly a gentle giant…thank you for allowing us to adopt this... Read more
DreamCoon Star Frosmos
November 01 2016
Black classic tabby with white
Our boys are great! They are sweet and funny and a big part of our family.



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DreamCoon ‎Mezzo
April 22 2021
Red with white
DreamCoon Xola Ducky
January 03 2022
Black tabby with white
Thank you so much. WE ARE SO IN LOVE WITH HER. She’s so sweet. We are calling her Chole. I’m going to try to introduce her today to my others so she can have free roam of the house and not be stuck... Read more
DreamCoon Waldo Nickel
October 28 2021
Black silver tabby
Bullets doing amazing we just got his name tag in a .380 bullet engraved with his name.


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DreamCoon French Flower
February 23 2022
He took to everyone right from the start . He seems to play with Crush and Ozzy the most but those two are always running around the house playing or getting into something so Ghost is going where the... Read more
DreamCoon Filly
February 23 2022
Hey there! As p r video I call him Olaf now but thought you'd like to see this video of him on the cat tree with my male (my male is being a good patient big brother)


14/05/2022 ...

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DreamCoon Morfey Exeter
April 03 2019
Black silver tabby
This is caesar born April 3 2019. I picked him up and what a great joy one of the sweetest cats . Really appreciate getting him from you.

Appreciate it Dr devadan



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DreamCoon Dual
December 05 2021
Blue with white
He’s settling it very nicely, he is very sweet and playful. We have decided to rename him Oliver :)



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DreamCoon Filarmonia
February 23 2022
DreamCoon Quinta
April 28 2019
Blue torbie
DreamCoon Choi
November 22 2021
Black smoke with white
DreamCoon Kaalappan
February 14 2021
Black smoke with white
Hello we bought one maine coon from you not long ago. We absolutely adore him.

We were considering getting another one and wanted to see if you had any with the same temperment.

Thank you,...

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DreamCoon Zürich
October 28 2021
Blue tabby

I thought I would send you an update of a maine coon i bought from you. This little buddy was Zürich, we named him Loki now and he’s growing like a weed! He’s very happy and super affectionate....

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DreamCoon Lika PP
September 01 2021
Black tabby with white
Just wanted to provide an updated picture of Lucy. She's doing great, loves being part of our family and gets along great with Maddie. She's a real joy and you can tell she loves her new home.


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DreamCoon Zenitsu PP
October 28 2021
Hello I hope all is well.

Blu is an awesome kitten love him he has been a great addition to the family.


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DreamCoon Zombie Hunter
October 28 2021
Black tabby
Hi Elena. HE'S PERFECT!! Super confident, loves our cuddles, even took a nap on TOP of our dog 😀 I've never met a kitten this socialized. You and your family did a great job!

24/02/2022 ...

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DreamCoon Danny
April 11 2021
Black tabby
So I'm changing Danny's name to either Bruce or Moose. He's settling in well. My resident cats are still pissed, but getting better every day. My male MC is having a harder time than my female domestic... Read more
DreamCoon Wolfga PP
October 28 2021
Black smoke
DreamCoon Jacarta
August 12 2021
Black tortie
Here is an updated pic of our baby.


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DreamCoon Brandy
November 09 2021
He traveled great. And is adjust well to his new home so far



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DreamCoon Ru PP
September 28 2021
Black tortie
DreamCoon Rio
September 28 2021
Black tabby
Kadebostany DreamCoon
October 20 2015
Black silver mackarel (tiger) tabby
I wanted to give you an update on my boy Jaicoon as it was six years ago today that he officially came into my life.

He truly is a dream. A very loyal, beautiful boy with a lot of spirit. He detests...

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DreamCoon Insense Ultramarine
September 19 2017
Blue tabby with white
DreamCoon Desputanta
December 05 2021
Black with white
DreamCoon Confucius
November 22 2021
Black silver tabby with high white
DreamCoon Adel PP
November 14 2021
Black silver tabby with white
He is perfect! We are in love. He is so sweet, friendly and playful! He keeps us entertained watching him play. He loves to cuddle and purrs all the time.

Thank you so much!!

Melissa ...

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DreamCoon Wilsophiana
October 28 2021
Black tabby with white
We are doing well. We named her Roseanne and she went to vet last week for first shots. She is feisty and we love her. Thanks!



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DreamCoon Walburga
October 28 2021
Black smoke
DreamCoon Jungle
August 12 2021
He seems to really enjoy it here so far! Playful and curious and perfectly co-dependent already. We love him ;) The only thing I am still working on is getting the two cats comfortable with each other.... Read more
DreamCoon Zanken PP
October 28 2021
Black silver tabby
It appears to me that he looks like Kong his dad. His ears are huge. Click on the photo you'll see what I mean. He's perfect! Read more
DreamCoon Atlantic
November 14 2021
Black silver tabby

I am attaching some photos! He eats, sleep, and play well. He is so energetic and affectionate :)

Thank you, Hyejee.


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DreamCoon Walda
October 28 2021
Blue tabby with white
She has made herself at home. 

Dorris Ann


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DreamCoon Vindex
October 18 2021
Red smoke
DreamCoon Yoda
October 25 2021
Black smoke
We call him Willow. He is so crazy. We were talking and are thinking that at some point we would love to take him to a cat show.

Thanks so much Kerry


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DreamCoon Portugal
August 30 2021
Black silver tabby
He's doing great! Slept most of the way home in the carrier and is getting aquainted to the new house. He ate well when we got home and seems very calm. All good! Thank you for the beautiful family member.... Read more
DreamCoon Moscow
August 10 2021
Just sending some Moscow pics. She’s doing great. Hope all is well with you and all of the cats.

Aaron and Alaina.


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September 15 2021
Black tabby
Mark and Jillian F.
Good Morning Elena!!

Thank you again for being so understanding and working with me. The kitten is so precious!! He reminds me a lot of my childhood kitty that is a Maine Coon too. We're so thrilled...

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DreamCoon Palladia Emeralda
August 30 2021
Black silver tabby
DreamCoon Karl Luxemburg
July 22 2017
Black tabby (n22)
DreamCoon Florida Dam
July 09 2020
Black (smoke?)
DreamCoon Renshu
September 28 2021
Black tabby
DreamCoon Joy Cartoon
May 12 2021
Blue with white
He's adjusting well.


Batman basking in the sunshine


This box is maybe 10"x10" but "if he fits, he sits"!! Haha he's hilarious.


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DreamCoon Massandra
August 10 2021
Black tabby with high white
DreamCoon Bonjour
April 02 2021
Black tabby
Thank you for sharing the vet information with me. I will make appointment for a day in Dec. Bonjour has been changed name to Ozzy. For reminding you who I am and what cat I got from you I used his old... Read more
DreamCoon Xalvador Finder
July 01 2019
Black tabby
DreamCoon Amina
January 16 2021
Black tortie
I thought you might like to see how comfortable she is. Amina has two trees and a nice window seat to look out at the birds and squirrels. She follows me around when I am home.

I will be looking ...

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June 22 2015
Red silver tabby with white
DreamCoon Elisey Talisman
September 14 2015
Black mackarel (tiger) tabby
DreamCoon Grizley
March 30 2021
DreamCoon Hornet Ali
May 14 2021
Black tabby
DreamCoon Honda
May 14 2021
Black silver tabby with white
DreamCoon Fluffy Ice
June 12 2021
African Pride
April 19 2016
Brown ticked tabby
So nice to hear from you. Yes, my friend Emma and her fiancé really want to get a Maine Coon and they love our boys! I told them you had beautiful cats! I'm so sorry, I have thought several times... Read more
DreamCoon Klinton
March 01 2021
Black tabby
DreamCoon Hami
May 14 2021
Black silver tortie
Hello! Wanted to send some more pics of Zena (aka Hami). She is doing great!!



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DreamCoon Kadesh
February 14 2021
Black with white
Kadesh (now Loki) is doing great!


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DreamCoon La Scarola
July 02 2021
Black silver tabby
Lioncoon's Ulrich
May 10 2005
e 22
We stayed at an AirBNB and Sunny got to come. I bought a stroller for him and we took him for walks. I bought a basket for the back of Elaine’s bike but he DOES NOT like it AT ALL! Haha!


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DreamCoon Elizabeth
June 23 2021
Black tortie with white
DreamCoon Goochland
March 30 2021
Red smoke
DreamCoon Jurasic
May 12 2021
Black tabby with white
Voland Smok
December 17 2016
Black Smoke
Wraith turned 1 year old on Dec 17th 2017. He is doing well and getting big!! He was weighed at Thanksgiving and was 15 pounds. He is a great cat!!



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DreamCoon Peach Sevilla
October 17 2017
Black smoke tortie
DreamCoon Havana
May 14 2021
Black silver tortie with white
We just wanted to report that Havana (now going by the name "Maddy") is doing very well. She had an excellent check up at our vet today and was a big hit with everyone there. They gave her a tour of ... Read more
DreamCoon Banan
February 12 2021
Hi! Thought you might enjoy an update on Finley aka Banan!

He’s such a smart boy! Doing well and making sure Sadie (our GSD) knows who’s boss lol!

Happy holidays!

Sincerely, Angie


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DreamCoon Greensboro
March 30 2021
Black silver tabby
DreamCoon Carlos Craig
July 30 2019
1st Warrior
March 09 2021
Mark and Jillian F.
Thought you’d enjoy seeing Henry (Walton John) and Charlie (1st Warrior) together. They’ve quickly become fast friends, and Charlie is every bit as darling and irresistible as Henry 😊 Mary Read more
DreamCoon Bonaparte
April 02 2021
Black tabby with white
DreamCoon Bridgette Blue
April 02 2021
Blue tabby with white
DreamCoon Messalina
December 24 2020
She's doing great. She made herself at home by Monday afternoon and has been so active and cuddly. So far we've started her on Royal Canin Maine Coon kitten food and some water additives and She's eating... Read more
DreamCoon Kevin King
June 01 2020
Black tabby with high white
King has turned out to be quit the drama King and spaz when I first return home. He hogs my attention about 30m before he finally will settle down. Even ignoring bacon for the affection! I hope his strong... Read more
DreamCoon Danissia
April 11 2021
DreamCoon Xandra Smoke
November 20 2020
Black smoke
She’s still perfect! And they have become best friends; they sometimes forget that we are even around. Thank you again!


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DreamCoon Zucotto
November 26 2020
DreamCoon Janson
May 18 2018
Blue tabby with white
Hi... just an update on Max.. he is doing well and has an adopted sister that I got from a shelter ... they get along Great ... hope you and your family are doing good and have a very Merry Christmas ... Read more
DreamCoon Kenia
February 14 2021
Black smoke
DreamCoon Ferguson
July 09 2020
Black tabby
Morley (also known as Ferguson) is 1 year old today! He LOVES ice cubes…..and Q-tips! He comes running every time we get ice even if he’s sleeping. He’s trying to figure out how to get them out of the... Read more
DreamCoon Utrecht
October 01 2019
Red silver tabby
I got my new best friend Utrecht from you guys back in August. He is doing amazing with my other cat, I love them both.

08/07/2021 Keystone is very energetic and my other Maine Coon (Yasuo) loves...

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DreamCoon Uncle
October 25 2020
I just wanted to let you know that Uncle is doing very well in his new home. He is enjoying his play time and cuddles. It's obvious that he has been well cared for and loved. Thank you so much!


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DreamCoon Zoltran
November 26 2020
Here is Floki sleeping (he does that a lot) and in his catio. He is our world and doing great.



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DreamCoon Kohinoor
February 14 2021
Kohinoor , who we now call Blue seems to be quite relaxed. He is a happy playful boy and we are very happy to have him.



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DreamCoon Walton John
November 01 2020
White semi-heterochromic eyes
DreamCoon Francisc
December 17 2020
Black silver tabby
He is adjusting very well! He's eating well, along with using the litter box. Still shy to our interactions with him, but he's coming around.

Our other cat is adjusting slowly. I thibk he will be...

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Kamysh of DreamCoon
December 23 2019
Black tabby
Olga M.
DreamCoon Xylocarp
March 25 2020
“Neo”, is doing great. He’s the center of attention and a big part of the family.


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DreamCoon Macarena
September 17 2020
Black tortie with white
DreamCoon Mathvey
May 04 2020
Blue tabby
DreamCoon Dantes
August 02 2016
Black tabby
I've attached a few photos. I'm not a photographer, but he enjoys catching mockingbirds in our vegetable garden and enjoys the company of the neighbors cat.

He's almost 20 pounds now.

Adam ...

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DreamCoon Uuencoder
October 25 2020
Black tabby with white
Äîáðûé äåíü,

Ó íàñ âñå õîðîøî è íàäåèìñÿ, ÷òî è ó âàñ âñå òàê æå.

Øèðî ïðèâûêàåò è óæå ñïèò íà êðîâàòè. Íà ðóêàõ ñèäèò íå áîëüøå 30 ñåêóíä, íî åñëè îòïóñêàåì, òî íå óáåãàåò, à ëîæèòüñÿ ðÿäîì....

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DreamCoon Mercury Fawn
September 17 2020
Attached are some photos of Mercury Fawn (aka Memphis) and his proof of neuter, which happened today. I’m happy to report that he’s integrated beautifully into the household, and Nefertiti has warmed ... Read more
DreamCoon X-Merlin
March 25 2020
Black silver tabby
DreamCoon Nojus the Fighter
February 02 2021
Blue tabby
We received Nojus early Thursday morning. Must have been a long 6 day jpourney.

He is very happy, playful and loves his new home!


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DreamCoon Bruno Grande
August 14 2020
Blue tabby
DreamCoon Murris
September 17 2020
Black tabby
DreamCoon Mo
September 17 2020
Black tabby with white
DreamCoon Kiril
February 14 2021
He is going just great. He used the kitty litter right away. He is eating, drinking, sleeping normally. He is going to the vet tomorrow.


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DreamCoon Nostradamus
February 02 2021
Blue tabby
OH MY GOODNESS he is doing SO Amazing!!!! He is a happy little baby, he is using his litter box, eating, drinking, PLAYING. He likes to watch TV, we watched Black Panther last night and he laid on his... Read more
DreamCoon January
October 28 2020
Red smoke
I wanted to thank you for a lovely addition to our family. We have named him Jasper and he is very sweet and playful. We are so very happy to have him!

Thank you, Jenna

I just ...

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DreamCoon Estatica
September 20 2020
Black smoke
Picture of Estatica meeting the fish. She is very playful & cuddly at times. We enjoy having her around.


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DreamCoon November
February 02 2021
Blue tabby
He’s going really well, he’s starting to get settled in and running around, we love him, thank you so much!


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DreamCoon Xirda PP
January 01 1970
Black tabby polydactyl
She is doing good. She is playing and running around the house. She loves to be petted and she purrs so loud!

Sincerely, Rose


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DreamCoon Xeraphina PP
January 01 1970
Black silver tabby
DreamCoon Zac Taily
November 26 2020
DreamCoon Marsitta
May 04 2020
Black tortie
DreamCoon Fergana
December 17 2020
Black silver torbie with white
I really like the pattern of colors on Fergs face. She's petite compared to King.
She's SOO happy to be out of that car. What a spazz. And a talker. I'm going to keep her and grama (13yo-small bengal)...
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DreamCoon Tamila Gerbera
September 15 2020
Black tabby with white
We purchased our girl from you all about a month ago. She is perfect! Her name on the paperwork is DreamCoon Tamila Gerbera.
We love her and her personality! She is truly the best cat and so beautiful!...
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DreamCoon Togo Ginseng
September 15 2020
Black tabby with white
Kitty is doing great and learning new things every day! He keeps us laughing all the time and is so cuddly and loving. He purrs non-stop, loves to play, and his favorite place to sleep is on my pillow... Read more
DreamCoon Unix Cat
October 25 2020
Black smoke
Our boy is getting more and more handsome every day. 
He’s an absolute joy. 
Susan 17/01/2023 

Hi Elena, This is Susan, mom to Magnus who was known as Unix (date of birth 10/25/2020)...
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DreamCoon Uxpressia
October 25 2020
Black smoke
DreamCoon Tart
September 15 2020
Black tabby
Alex S.
We got our boy he is amazing so happy it’s a dream come true



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DreamCoon Frankfurt PP
December 17 2020
Black silver tabby with white polydactyl
Hey I just wanted to thank you for all your help.
We just bought Frankfurt from you about a week ago and he is adjusting so well to our home.
He has been to the Veterinarian and he is in perfect...

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DreamCoon Keaton Dell
June 01 2020
Black tabby with white
DreamCoon Tara Cloudia
September 15 2020
Blue tortie
Alex S.
Princess Anna
November 07 2020
Blue tabby
Elizabeth F.
DreamCoon Bamboo Ulker
May 01 2020
Black silver tabby with high white
Ozzy is great. He is bigger than my other cat and dogs.


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DreamCoon VII Spartak
October 01 2019
Black tabby
He is doing very well & pretty much runs the house. He’s my little shadow, following me everywhere & has the best personality. He is so loved. 


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DreamCoon X-man PP
January 01 1970
Black smoke
Penumbren is fitting in just fine with our pups. Everyone love a nap buddy.


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Twiford Urhea
February 11 2020
Black tabby
Mark and Jillian F.
DreamCoon Whinta
November 01 2020
DreamCoon Borisych
May 01 2020
He has Discovered Bird and Squirrel Watching


He is really settling into Life on the Road.
He has traveled over 20,000 miles with us already.
We are so in love with each...

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DreamCoon Darth Verthdra
December 04 2019
Black smoke
DreamCoon Scooterz
August 16 2020
Black silver tabby with white
Wanted to give you an update! Shouta (aka Scooterz) is doing just fine! He’s very energetic and loves to cuddle when he’s not trying to play. I recently learned he had a heart shaped spot on his tongue,... Read more
DreamCoon Ferrari Oz
July 09 2020
Black silver tabby
Âîò óæå ïðîøëî 4 ìåñÿöà êàê ó íàñ ïîñåëèëñÿ maincoon, õîòÿ ïîðîé åãî õî÷åòñÿ íàçâàòü racoon èç çà åãî ëþáâè çàëåçàòü â ìóñîðíèêè. Òåïåðü åãî çîâóò ßøà è îí ïðèíåñ â íàø äîì ìíîãî ðàäîñòè è âåñåëüÿ. Ìû... Read more
DreamCoon Anderson
August 10 2018
Black with white
He is a sweetie. He loves to sit outside and look around. He also enjoys playing, especially with a cat toy we have that looks like a big spring. I am hopeful the kitten will be a friend for him, besides... Read more
Tuffy of DreamCoon
February 15 2019
Black tabby
Helen Y.
DreamCoon White Evening
November 01 2020
He’s enjoying his new home 


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DreamCoon Batman
May 01 2020
Black smoke
We love our Maine Coon. He is so loving and well behaved. Our Bengal gets along so well. They play all day. Thank you so much.

Nancy Johnson


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DreamCoon Chandipati
August 10 2020
Blue tabby
DreamCoon Vanuatu
November 06 2019
Black with white
Ñharme Français
September 30 2020
Black silver tabby with white
Mark and Jillian F.
Here are some puctures. He is doing great!



Read more
Not sure if you remember me but we have Sabbath.. he is the light of my life lol.. he is doing amazing and we are so so happy :)

0 04/01/2021

Read more
DreamCoon Tung Chi
June 08 2020
Red tabby
DreamCoon Antalia
August 04 2020
Black tabby with white
DreamCoon Xeniada
June 14 2019
DreamCoon Kosmos
June 05 2017
DreamCoon Roxalana
July 11 2020
White, heterochromic
Hey! Just emailing you guys to let you know Roxalana made it home safe with us, and we think she’s an absolute angel! Right out of the carrier she was purring and eager to be rubbed and ... Read more
DreamCoon Pegasus
April 03 2019
Red smoke
DreamCoon Fremont
July 09 2020
DreamCoon Mo
September 17 2020
Black tabby with white
DreamCoon Romario
July 11 2020
Black tabby with white
Hi! Alfi is doing so well with his new little brother! Haha they love each other and chase each other all around the house! Romario is healthy and doing great. He’s crazy about food!


Read more
DreamCoon Dominica
December 04 2019
Black smoke
We love our sweet girl so much we are so grateful to you for giving us such a great girl! Also here is an update pic of our kitty zelda. We cherish her every day.


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DreamCoon Marselon
September 17 2020
Red tabby with white
He's so cuddly!! We love him!


Read more
DreamCoon Simba
November 06 2019
Black tabby
Simba is doing GREAT! We keep encouraging him to use the kitty litter and he has not yet nor has he fallen asleep. I know he must be exhausted. You did a great job bringing him up. You are right, he ... Read more
DreamCoon Van Damme
November 06 2019
Red with white
Tigger (AKA Van Damme) turns one tomorrow and I just wanted to send an update on him. He is an absolutely amazing cat and is very loved. Quite curious and mischievous but a charmer too. His best buddy... Read more
Elton Ebony
May 21 2016
Black smoke
DreamCoon Rozochka
July 11 2020
Black tabby with white
Hi this is Wesley, MIchael and Karen’s daughter. I love my kitten so much. Just wanted to send you some pictures. I named her Tiger Lily. But Lily for short. She is so wonderful ❤️ The picture... Read more
July 01 2020
Black silver tabby with white
Mark and Jillian F.
DreamCoon Lord Myth
December 12 2018
Black tabby
Alex S.
And here is Oliver (also known as Ollie lol)


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DreamCoon Nürnberg
May 06 2017
Black tabby with white
My brother (Antonio ) got a cat from you in 2017 and named him Alfi! (Alfonso). Unfortunately my brother passed away that same year so I inherited Alfi! My mom and I absolutely love him and well he’s ... Read more
DreamCoon D'Artangan PP
April 27 2020
Blue tabby
DreamCoon Diamantina Belleza
April 27 2020
Black smoke
Just wanted to send an updated photo of Tess now that she is one year old. She’s just starting to develop her ruff.


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DreamCoon Edelweiss
August 15 2019
Black tabby
I sent you pictures of Binx. He is so beautiful don't you think? He is a bit of a bully though. Thinks he can get away with anything. As you can see he could see he lays all over my furniture Haha
Read more
June 19 2020
Black tabby
Mark and Jillian F.
This kitty is so unusual ... He was acclimated in an hour . Very social will the whole family and seems very healthy . He slept in bed bed with us the whole night , taking turns curling up with and my... Read more
DreamCoon Maverick
May 04 2020
Maverick is doing well - we have actually changed his name to Whiskey! I’ve attached a few pictures for you.

Best, Danielle


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DreamCoon Degoya
December 04 2019
Black smoke
Hello! It’s been a while but I wanted to give you an update on how Kira is. Kira is in the best health and very sweet loving kitty. She’s absolutely spoiled, cuddly, and queen of the house!


Read more
DreamCoon Mangostine Sweet Fruit
May 04 2020
Cream with white
Bastian is doing AWESOME he’s such a cool and chill kitty... he’s become a camper cat going with us on 2 camping trips to Nags Head NC and Myrtle Beach SC... his great personality and relaxed demeanor... Read more
DreamCoon Armagnac
December 15 2019
DreamCoon Adequate Mistral
July 23 2019
Black smoke with white
Iliana (aka Athena)
July 01 2019
Black tabby
Mark and Jillian F.
I purchased our sweet Athena from you last year! She is seriously the best addition to our home we love her so much.



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Rita Silverren
June 06 2020
Blue silver tabby
Mark and Jillian F.
Rita arrived last night. She is a sweet and adorable little girl. We have been spending a lot of time with her trying to make certain she is at peace here.
She cries a little, but when we pick her...
Read more
DreamCoon Bonsai
May 01 2020
Black silver tabby (smoke?) with high white
After passing some of his physical/social training/testing I have named the cat 5 oclock.
Here are some pictures.
He is socializing well with 9 oclock, and I noticed today that they are physically...

Read more
Umka DreamCoon
August 19 2013
DreamCoon Dior Deffen
December 04 2019
Black smoke
DreamCoon Roman Blake
October 19 2017
My sweet Roman is sleepy tonight


Read more
DreamCoon Dana Lia
April 27 2020
Black silver tabby
Dana enjoyed your movie



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DreamCoon Dominicana
April 27 2020
Black smoke
DreamCoon Orlando
January 20 2019
Hes due for a bath. He doesnt like baths too much. He hates to be combed but we get through it.


Orlando is so funny, he likes to use his paw and push everything on the floor....

Read more
DreamCoon Alaska II
December 15 2019
DreamCoon Bilbao Best of Spain
May 01 2020
Black silver tabby with high white
The kitten is great very energetic. He is best friends with the other cats.


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DreamCoon Like Oui
January 02 2020
He is doing great! He loves his new brother and they play together very well. Thank you for the beautiful kittens.


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DreamCoon Kolovrat
December 17 2019
More of mishka he is up to 10lbs at 6 months we continue to use the vet in Chester.



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DreamCoon Xamira
March 25 2020
Black tabby with white
We call her Tosha


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DreamCoon Usha Argenta
March 23 2020
Black silver tabby with white
She’s getting big :).


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DreamCoon Picasso
February 02 2019
Black smoke
Picasso is doing very well. He is a happy health kitten. Is getting along with out other cats but not yet with the dogs.

Tricia and Joe


He loves hanging out with the...

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DreamCoon Kazachok
December 17 2019
He's doing great, he plays with other other 2 cats attacking them and they all run after each other. He's a real lover, loves attention and climbs all over us trying to steal our food too. He's pushy ... Read more
DreamCoon Don Urich
August 15 2019
Red tabby
Thank you Elena! We think the same of you and your family. She is in LOVE with her new kitty. He is just what she wanted. He ended up using his litter box last night we brought for him in the car. He ... Read more
DreamCoon Dominion
December 04 2019
Hello, I know it's only been a week but I wanted to let you know that Dominion has been adjusting very well. I'm hoping I can keep him entertained once he's done exploring his new home!


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DreamCoon Kohila
December 17 2019
His name is Linus.We love him. He is settling in very well. Being a kitten, playing, eating, and sleeping !!!


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DreamCoon Pascal
December 12 2018
Red tabby with white
Irma J.
DreamCoon Kongo
June 28 2016
Here’s Kongo(Harambe), he’s a beautiful cat and is very good with other animals and anybody that comes over. He’s such a deep dark black it is hard to do him any justice with a camera


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DreamCoon Woodbridge
April 28 2019
Black tabby
I love this Cat!! He is very playful, affectionate and funny



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DreamCoon Ultraviolet
October 01 2019
Red smoke
Most I’ve snapped have been him cuddled up with me. Hopefully the video loads, but it’s him packing around his favorite toy. Thank you, he’s running and playing all the time.



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DreamCoon Dumbarton
August 15 2019
DreamCoon Jazz
October 22 2018
Here is some photos of Jazz. He was born October 22, 2018. We have re named him Baloo. We have really enjoyed him. He is so social and loves to play with balls and our dogs!



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DreamCoon Izumi
October 14 2018
Blue silver tabby
Izumi and I are well and he is great friends with his 'little' St. Bernard brother. It has been great to have a companion for Izumi. Attached is a photo of them together from last month on my dog's 1st... Read more
DreamCoon Incanto
September 19 2017
Kantik is very big and arrogant)



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DreamCoon Mönchenholzhausen
September 29 2017
Black silver tabby
I hope you will remember me; we got from you the sweetest kitty cat in the world two years ago.

We named him Marley and I swear, he is the most special cat we have ever seen.

This is how he ...

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DreamCoon Charlie Brown
July 30 2019
Now BuddyBoy filling out nice



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DreamCoon Topgun
June 30 2016
Black classic tabby
Elena, thank you for such a beautiful cat.

He has been a joy to have in our household



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DreamCoon Freeman Batyr
August 11 2019
Black tabby
Alex Rock
He is doing well.



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Richanna of DreamCoon
January 22 2019
Black tabby with white
Helen Y.
Here are some pictures. The last picture she stole my spot in bed lol.



She's crazy and full of personality. Growing like a weed.


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DreamCoon Vulco Wilrijk
June 11 2019
Red with white
Archie says hello :)



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DreamCoon Uranium
October 01 2019
Black silver tabby



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Markel Ka ʻoi loa
December 08 2019
Blue silver tabby
Mark and Jillian F.
We got him. He is beautiful!!

Thank you, Alyssa


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DreamCoon Volvo
October 01 2019
Black silver tabby
Hi! I wanted to send you an update! He is adjusting well and doing great! We are in love!!

Thanks again! Lisa & Rick


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DreamCoon Nataly
April 20 2019
Black tabby with white
Just come to say hi and also to let you know Nataly, I call her Miu Miu now, is doing well!
Attached are some pictures of her:))See how beautiful and how happy she is!

Read more
DreamCoon Yasming
April 30 2019
Marina J.
She has taken over the house

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DreamCoon Veronique
November 06 2019
Black tabby with white

Mirabelle is doing really well and I’m thrilled to have her in my life. She is the most loving and playful of kittens I’ve ever experienced. She was out and exploring from the first evening....

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DreamCoon Andorra la Vella
July 15 2019
Black tabby
My cat is very healthy right now, and I am going to take her to do the sterilization.
Thank you.

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DreamCoon Black Rambo PP
April 30 2019
Marina J.
picture of Rambo at Christmas    Read more
DreamCoon Aquos
July 15 2019
Black silver tabby

Hope your new year is off to a great start!
Just writing to say that Mochi is doing well and is feeling very comfortable now.
He gets along great with our Scottish Terrier, named Bella :)...

Read more
DreamCoon Chaves
July 30 2019
Thank you for working with us, we absolutely love him and he has adjusted really quickly to our home.
He has been playing and having fun!


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Horton DreamCoon
March 29 2012
DreamCoon Wheat Bran
April 28 2019
Red tabby
Hi Elena,
Just wanted to let you know that Wheat Bran is doing very well and getting acclimated to his new home and friend Humphrey.
We renamed Wheat Bran to Oliver Twist.
He’s a very sweet kitten...

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DreamCoon London Night
February 28 2019

Hi Elena,

Brian here in the mountains of Colorado. I adopted London Night from your February of 2019 litter. I just want you to know what a positive experience I had both in working with you and getting...

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DreamCoon Iamboss
October 14 2018
Black smoke
Yes thank you again!
The whole family loves him 😊❤️😺💪...
and year he is a boss! 😆

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DreamCoon Kosmos
June 05 2017
DreamCoon Aleksey Frost
April 03 2019
Black with white
DreamCoon Whicker
June 25 2018
Black tabby with high white
Whicker has arrived safe and sound.
He purred all the way home from the airport,
ate a hardy meal and has been exploring the fun things to do in my house,
What a lovely boy.
he is and so handsome....

Read more
DreamCoon Terminator
January 15 2019
Black tabby with white
Thought you might enjoy this recent picture I’m looking for a female companion for him. Looking to have one litter of kittens because my daughter, son and girlfriend all love him


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DreamCoon Anthrax
July 15 2019
Black tabby
DreamCoon Pumpkin
December 12 2018
Red tabby with white
Irma J.
DreamCoon Maurice
April 03 2019
Black tabby
We love him!!!!
Thank you for raising such a sweet kitten!

- Ellen & Andrew

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DreamCoon Iggy Baked Milk
September 28 2018
Here is Rowan... I was trying to think of a way to show how big he has become.
I think the height of the counter shows it pretty well.
My husband is 6 feet 3 inches tall.

He loves getting the canned...

Read more
DreamCoon Porsche
December 12 2018
Red tabby
Irma J.
Porsche is a great cat we’re so happy
we got him he’s a great addition to the family.
We already have family and friends asking
us where we go him that say they want to
get a maine coon from you all down...

Read more
Yukos DreamCoon
November 14 2013
Begemot (Yukos) turned 6 years old. Read more
DreamCoon Pauls Timothy
December 12 2018
Red tabby
Irma J.
Hi Elena!
We took Prince Harry (Pauls Timothy) for a checkup last week
and now he's in a veterinarian clinics' Lion King contest 😊
He's such a beautiful and sweet cat, thank you so much for him!...

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Glen Allen
March 20 2019
Red smoke
Mark and Jillian F.
Pinky is doing great. I attached a photo for you to see his transformation.


Pinky gets more handsome everyday.


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DreamCoon Tom Sawyer
January 15 2019
Black with white
Thank you, guys again for letting me have Tom for a trial period.
He’s pretty calm and playful.
We started the cat/dog introduction and so far it’s going better than expected.
We will keep trying slowly...

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DreamCoon Julia Caesar
October 22 2018
Here are a couple of photos of the lovely Julia

Jun 16 2019

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DreamCoon Neptuno
March 05 2019
Black smoke
Hello Elena,

Just wanted to give you an update.
We named our kitten Nimbus.
He is doing very well and has adjusted to his new home.
He is very playful and cuddly.
I have attached a picture.


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DreamCoon Jr. Sirius
October 22 2018
Hello, Elena
Sirius feels great - in my opinion he has even grown a bit already!
Eats well :)

  Last night I allowed him to go down to the 1st floor of our house - he smelled everything.
Of course,...

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DreamCoon Finding Indian Night
May 30 2016
Black Smoke
Today is Finding Indian Nights 3rd birthday.
I call him Fin.
I purchased him in December 2016.
As you can see, he has grown into a beautiful cat.
He is very loving and smart! A true blessing!...

Read more
DreamCoon Umila
June 05 2018
Black silver tabby
We have been thoroughly enjoying Umila,
she brings us such joy.
She is healthy and growing by leaps and bounds!
Let us know if you would like us to send you pictures.

Thank you for your time and help,...

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DreamCoon Pluton
December 12 2018
Marina J.
Rocky and Pluton are getting along more quickly than I anticipated.
Here is a picture of them under the dinning room table napping, and one with pluton on my piano bench.
I though you would...

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DreamCoon Hacienda
September 20 2018
DreamCoon Patricia Snowdance
December 12 2018
Black silver tortie with white
Irma J.
DreamCoon Malina
June 16 2018
Black torbie with white
I wanted to send you an update on our beautiful girl Malina.
She is almost 10 months now.
We love her so much and thought you would want to see some photos.
Hope all is well.


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DreamCoon Hacienda
September 20 2018
DreamCoon Ionic
October 14 2018
Hi Elena,

Just thought you would like a quick update on the kitties.
Barron turned 8 months old today.
We just love him and he's already gorgeous and growing fast.
He's getting neutered next week....

Read more
January 07 2019
Black silver tabby
Mark and Jillian F.
Smudge is an absolute little doll.
We love her to pieces!
Tuukka was a little nervous the first night, but now he’s giving her kisses and rubs, and they play all day long.
They’re so cute together. He...

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DreamCoon Kumanosuke
October 23 2018
Black tabby with white
Misha and Dima- we love the boys;
they are finally getting along / most of the time ;)!
They are funny together.
They sounds like horses when they chase each other!
We love them both😻


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DreamCoon Fan-fan
August 15 2018
Red with white


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DreamCoon Magnolia
June 16 2018
Black torbie
DreamCoon High Grade
March 20 2018
I've attached a couple of pictures of Vertner (we renamed Kongo from a previous kitten you had. Very good name).

He is doing very well and gets along well with Fabian (renamed Boone).

Read more
DreamCoon Darling Princess
August 28 2018
Black torbie with white
We just wanted to thank you so much for all your help.
We are so happy with our new beautiful princess!!!
She is a great kitten.
She is the most affectionate animal I have ever known.


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DreamCoon Bamboo Buddy
August 19 2018
Mark and Jillian F.
DreamCoon Jordana
August 30 2018
Black smoke
Anna K.
DreamCoon Jordan
August 30 2018
Black smoke
Anna K.
Super happy kitty ☺


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DreamCoon Amazing Boston Beauty
February 10 2017
Black silver tabby
DreamCoon Otello
November 29 2017
DreamCoon Uwon
June 05 2018
Black tabby
DreamCoon Yahoo
July 12 2018
Said A.
Hi Elena,
The kitten is doing well.
He has a good appetite. He can eat a haft chicken during one day.
I have attached his pictures. Thank you very much!


Read more
DreamCoon Modo
June 16 2018
Black tabby
DreamCoon Dominique
August 28 2018
Red tabby with high white
DreamCoon Dilmah
Black Smoke
Im si happy with Taco and Silver, their beauty, their personality is fabulous.
Their kittens have been gorgeous too, and everyone is so happy.
You will always have a piece of my heart, what you did for ...

Read more
DreamCoon Denny Ginger
August 28 2018
Red tabby with high white
Very happy! Already knows his name. Read more
DreamCoon Wila
June 25 2018
Black torbie with hith white
I took her to my vet yesterday for her rabies shot and she totally impressed the vet and her staff.  She was not only well behaved, she was relaxed to the extent that the vet asked me how long she has... Read more
Prodigy DreamCoon
February 15 2013
DreamCoon Udo
June 05 2018
Black tabby
Hi! just wanted to let you know Ivan Udo will be 5 in June! He is a big boy now! 😻
Hope you and family are doing well!

Caroline and Charlie


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DreamCoon H12
March 20 2018
Black silver with high white
I'm attaching two photos of Freddie and Dirkie.
They are so different.
Freddie is a very picky eater but a lap cat.
He loves to sit on my lap.
Dirkie eats everything in sight and is now bigger than Freddie....

Read more
DreamCoon Marzipan
June 16 2018
Black tabby with white
He is doing really good!!!
Thanks, Becky


He’s so pretty...getting big!!!

Read more
DreamCoon Yellow Bob
July 12 2018
Said A.
We are loving our new boy!
Because we traditionally name our Maine Coons for a town in Maine (Sam is from Maine)
we changed our kitties name from Ozzie to Lewi for Lewiston Maine near where Sam went ...

Read more
Big Boss
July 17 2015
Hello Elena!
We are enjoying Boss very much!
We have named him Drogon.
He is so very well socialized and confident.


I took this photo of Drogo today …
He is so handsome ...

Read more
DreamCoon Uber
June 05 2018
Black tabby
He’s exploring and very vocal. I’m sure he misses his companions❤️
Lee 10/26/2018

Read more
DreamCoon Vermont
June 14 2018
He is great! He’s my best friend and now I can never see myself without a sweet maine coon!!


Read more
DreamCoon Xabat
January 26 2018
DreamCoon Bremen
February 25 2018
Black tabby
DreamCoon Siemens
May 02 2018
He is awesome! Read more
May 23 2018
Black silver tabby with white
Linda J.
Horton DreamCoon
March 29 2012
DreamCoon Guatemala
January 01 1970
Blue tortie
Hi Elena,
Here is Stormy, Mei Kong and Cherry's baby.
Isn't she beautiful?

Read more
DreamCoon Moskva
June 16 2018
Black torbie with white
We're doing great!
She has an awesome personality and gets along well with others.
Thank you for sending the health certificate.

Read more
DreamCoon Bremen
February 25 2018
Black tabby
DreamCoon Xabat
January 26 2018
Ralph Wreck-It
July 15 2015
Black classic tabby
Hello, Elena!
This is Olga.
If you remember, I bought from you a kitten Ralph)).
He is a wonderful cat, a favorite of the whole family, with a remarkable character and excellent health.

Read more
DreamCoon Knight Frank
May 20 2018
Black smoke
We named him Morse. He sleeps mostly thru the night on a chair next to the bed and only wakes us up for a petting or when he wants to play. He is the dearest cat and we want to do well by him. He had... Read more
DreamCoon Bunny
February 28 2018
March 01 2018
Black tabby with white
Here is a picture of little Hazel.She is 6.5#. Read more
DreamCoon Perlitta
April 29 2018
Hello Elena,
I just wanted to give you an update and let you know the kitty is doing great!
She's very sweet and and is being loved
I have given her the name Iris!


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DreamCoon Shuma
May 06 2017
Black tabby with white
She is such a cool cat ☝️She loves everyone in the house. She climbs ladders 🪜 amd has the most laid back personality. Super smart


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DreamCoon Bambino
February 25 2018
Black tabby
I wish I could put into words how much joy Bam brings to our family!!
He is so perfect!! He has adjusted so well!

Hayley 08/09/2018

Read more
DreamCoon Silver Rain
August 29 2017
Silver tabby
Pepe DreamCoon
April 06 2015
Good evening Elena,

I hope you and your family are doing well?
I just wanted to drop you a line, shortly after Pepe has turned 3 years old.
We love her so much!
I do not believe that we have met...

Read more
DreamCoon Bohemian Rhapsody
February 25 2018
Black Smoke tortie
She is the sweetest little cat!
So affectionate! Still getting used to her brother who wants to chase and play a little too eagerly.
But they are both adjusting well.


Read more
DreamCoon Helga
May 06 2017
Black tabby with white
Hello Elena, this is Letty
This is Abby (Helga), she is very happy and healthy.
Send me the best advice for her.


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DreamCoon Feather
March 22 2018
Black smoke torbie
DreamCoon Sconti
May 02 2018
Sconti is very playful and healthy.
Thank you


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DreamCoon Shady (Genesis)
January 30 2016
The litter is now 20 weeks old.
We have 6 total.
Genesis is a very good first time mom. She still has a very triangle face.
The kittens not so much.

Read more
DreamCoon I'Felicia
March 24 2018
Black tabby
Urania DreamCoon
February 16 2016
Black silver tabby
Just thought I’d send an updated picture.
This was taken earlier today after a long morning of chasing squirrels up the trees.


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DreamCoon Nathaniel
May 06 2017
Black solid
Here he is!
He’s a big boy and such a sweet, gentle guy.
He loves to play with our Great Dane and they are the best of friends.
He also loves to snuggle everyone in our family and has been the perfect...

Read more
DreamCoon Cygnus
March 07 2018
Red with white
DreamCoom Berkshire Equity
August 25 2017
I have attached a photo of Zuka the male
He is wonderful


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DreamCoon Wago
January 22 2018
Red tabby
Good morning,
The handsome guy is doing great.
He is staying in the spare bedroom for now.
He is very playful and purrs constantly! 😍 Thanks so much!

Read more
DreamCoon Yehat
January 25 2017
DreamCoon Cypres
March 07 2018
Black silver tabby with white
DreamCoon Bjork
February 28 2018
Thank you for checking in.
We are home safe and sound, and she seems to be adjusting well.
We have had two successful litter box goes!


Read more
DreamCoon Wangler
January 22 2018
Red tabby
Hi Elena, he is settling in good.
Eating great too. We are taking him on Sat to vet to get rabies shot and last vaccine.
Will keep you updated.
He is very happy.


Read more
DreamCoon Black Smoke
February 25 2018
Black smoke
He's adjusting really well.
He loves to run around and chase. Paper balls are his favorite.
Still very needy but one of us is with him all the time until he gets older.

Read more
Doing very well. Eats , plays , sleeps . Start over . Always very happy.
And looks for my lap to sleep on when done playing.

Read more
DreamCoon Xenda
January 25 2017
Black silver tabby with white
Hi M Elena,
Miss Anabell is a delightful creature.
She dances around my feet when i go about my business, and coddles either close to or on my head when I sleep.
My dog Penelope is having a hard ...

Read more
DreamCoon Whalta
January 22 2018
Black smoke
Luna loves my dogs and wants to snuggle...
she and the dachshund mix are getting along better all the time.
She greets them with a cheek rub everytime they enter the room. ALL is well.
I have attached...

Read more
DreamCoon Unica
December 24 2017
Black tabby
DreamCoon Uganda
December 24 2017
Freedman DreamCoon
January 30 2016
Blue tabby
Our handsome man is doing great.
You had told me he was special when we were asking about him, and boy were you right!
He is the sweetest, most loving cat.
He isn't afraid of anything and has to be near...

Read more
DreamCoon Mauritius
July 22 2017
Black tabby
He is so HANDSOME!
He LOVES watching the bubbles! 😂
He likes to chill with his new brother and sister!
He says, “Hi”
Absolutely GORGEOUS!
Makes you wanna crawl back in bed to cuddle!

Read more
DreamCoon Incanto
September 19 2017
DreamCoon Irish Creme Brulee
September 19 2017
Cream with white
He is amazing an super sweet n lovable Read more
DreamCoon Roosevelt
October 19 2017
Black smoke
He is wonderful!!!
Sweet, gentle and purring up a storm.


Good Morning Elena:

Roosevelt’s first night went great.
He is wonderful.
He gets along great with my dog and cat.
You have...

Read more
DreamCoon Jasper
August 20 2017
Black silver high white
DreamCoon Peach Rick
October 17 2017
DreamCoon Magnum Fox
April 15 2017
West Kind
January 02 2017
Blue with white
DreamCoon Beretta
August 29 2017
She is so wonderful and is making herself at home.
Thank you so much.
I attached a new picture of Beretta.
She was up to 8.2# Feb. 8th.
Sara and Tom

She is hanging out with us, ...

Read more
DreamCoon Mango
November 16 2017
Mikey (A.K.A. Leonardo was at the backdoor on one of the cat tree's when we cam in... this is the very minute we got in ... Read more
DreamCoon Insense Ultramarine
September 19 2017
Blue tabby with white
DreamCoon Nosedot
May 06 2017
Black tabby with white
It looks like a little someone has made himself right at home! 

Read more
DreamCoon Great Wal
January 01 1970
He's not shy at all! 
He's wonderful! 
Thanks so much, Mandi
Read more
DreamCoon Tiffany Diamond
March 04 2017
White heterochromic
Esma Willow
May 21 2016
Black tabby
I made this shirt like her face. 
 She is so funny.  
She will sleep through anything, we decorated her with flowers and didn't move and then when she woke up she just let all of the flowers on her,...
Read more
DreamCoon Igor Benz
May 06 2017
He's been a perfect companion, so full of energy and love. 
At home he is my shadow, and follows me from room to room and always welcomes me home with loving meows.  
He is quite talkative, and never...
Read more
DreamCoon Initial
September 19 2017
Black tabby
Koas one year picture (initial)


Read more
DreamCoon Gerr Stepanych
May 08 2017
Black tabby (n22)
Kotofey DreamCoon
May 23 2015
black & white
Well we renamed him Dobby and he is doing great! 
He even loves the dogs and in fact gets along better with them then his cat sisters. 
Other than trying to steal food when I’m eating he’s ...
Read more
DreamCoon Interdit
September 19 2017
DreamCoon In Love Again
September 19 2017
Black tabby
We had a nice trip home. 
Natheric slept on my lap like he had done it before! 
He explored some when we got home. 
Curled up with me in bed, he wanted me to rub his belly so I did for a while. ...
Read more
DreamCoon Kseniya
June 05 2017
Black tortie
DreamCoon Flint the Pirate
September 02 2017
Dear Elena, Just a quick note to let you know Flint is doing very well and growing fast. 
He has a very sweat disposition, likes to play and is very curious too. 
He has been given a family ...
Read more
Amore Mio DreamCoon
April 13 2010
DreamCoon Le Baron
March 05 2017
Black tabby
Merry cristmas!
Lebaron and Jose


Read more
DreamCoon Nylse
June 05 2017
Black tabby with white
Hi!! Just letting you know Meeko (previously Nysle) is well. Such a smart handsome mischievous cat!


Read more
DreamCoon Ambitious Wolfie
July 26 2017
Hey we have wolfie and he is perfect- we love him already!


This boy is growing like a weed and loves to eat!


Read more
Hollywood Sunrise DreamCoon
November 25 2015
Red classic tabby with white
Thanks for reaching out.
Charlie is great, and very beautiful.


Read more
DreamCoon Unona
March 14 2017
She is so smart.


Read more
DreamCoon Justin Sun
May 28 2017
Red tabby
Our kitten just became the brightest member of our family. Everyone when they call each other about him is asked. He is very sociable. Almost all the time with us (right now, too). Very gentle - plays... Read more
DreamCoon Luna (S9)
June 13 2017
Black silver tabby
DreamCoon Gracie
January 01 1970
Black smoke
La Têtard
June 13 2017
Blue (a)
Hi Elena look how big she's getting..
luv her..
see you after thanksgiving!


Read more
Nelson DreamCoon
May 30 2012
DreamCoon Harmony
April 18 2017
Both just spayed/neutered..


Read more
DreamCoon Kupidon VI
June 05 2017
He is gorgeous and absolutely in love with his baby sister. 
He is always by her and would sleep with her if we let him (although we don't). 

If she cries for longer than a few minutes...
Read more
DreamCoon Neptune's Snow
May 28 2017
Black silver tabby
Look at Alexander Hamilton.
What a face.

A few pictures of Alexander Hamilton for you.
He is such a good boy, sweet, lovable and a cuddler.
He likes to play with a ball and...

Read more
DreamCoon Liam Cooper (R10)
June 13 2017
Black silver tabby NS22
DreamCoon Richard Lion Heart (R7)
May 06 2017
Red tabby
Here’s a photo of the boys last night - they seem to have worked out all of their problems! 😊


Read more
DreamCoon Ideal Morning
October 20 2016
Black smoke
Hello Elena. Things are going great. Ideal is getting baths at least once a month (depending on how dirty he gets from exploring under the cabinets or the basement when we visit the in-laws). Found... Read more
Kitty the Splat
June 05 2017
Black tortie
She is amazing and we just love her! Even our older cat has taken to her quicker than we expected 😊
Thanks again! She is beautiful!!


Read more
May 28 2017
Red tabby
Hi Andrei and Elena, Royal is wonderful, happy and growing fast! He's so much fun!


Read more
DreamCoon Mr. Ladybird
April 16 2017
Mr ladybird prefers one of the dog beds.😎 Read more
Voland Smok
December 17 2016
Black Smoke
I thought you might find this photo of him humorous. There are a couple of stray cats outside and i have some dry food for them. He knocked it off the water bottles and seemed so proud of himself lol.... Read more
DreamCoon Topgun
June 30 2016
Black classic tabby
This is Larry from
Evansville Indiana this as a few pictures of Harley at one-year-old


Harley turned 2 years old.
Amazing boy!

Read more
DreamCoon Greyhound
May 08 2017
His name is Miko, and he is doing exceptionally well. Has adapted very well. He loves his toys. Very well behaved.
Aug 8 2017

He weighs 7lbs. Very happy.
Hope you are doing well.

Read more
DreamCoon J Matty
May 28 2017
Black tabby
He sleeps curled up on top of my head all night!
Even if I get up he follows me and then comes right back to his spot!
He even kisses me on the lips! He grows more adorable and bigger every day!!
He is...

Read more
DreamCoon Boris Trevor
April 04 2017
Black tabby
We are so happy to have adopted Boris!
He has the sweetest disposition and is very playful and intelligent.
Everyone who has met him so far has remarked how handsome and sweet he is.
We could not ...

Read more
Voland Smok
December 17 2016
Black Smoke
Here are a few more photos of my boy . He's 8 1/2 months now 😁


Read more
DreamCoon Naf-Naf
May 06 2017
Black tabby with white
DreamCoon Nice Day
January 01 1970
Blue tabby
He has taken over my desk and is sending some interesting emails while I am working. He also likes chewing on my headset while I'm on the phone. He sleeps on the pillow by my head at night, but he will... Read more
DreamCoon Harry Potter
April 05 2017
Black with white
Harry is the most loving cat I ever had. Thanks so much for this little bundle of joy. Once I get Riley I will have three boys from you. Ollie, at 10 months, is 16 lbs.

regards, Bette
08/15/2017 ...

Read more
DreamCoon Honey Dew
April 18 2017
Red tabby
Yukos DreamCoon
November 14 2013
DreamCoon Leon Bets
March 05 2017
Black tabby
By the way, Sammy is almost 10 lbs. and is growing like a weed.


Read more
DreamCoon Leonardo Di
March 05 2017
Black tabby
He's great!!! We love him so much!


Read more
DreamCoon Lessar Forest
November 11 2016
Black tabby
We have absolutely fallen in love with our boy Frey (Forest) and would like to give him a playmate.
Here is a pic of our handsome boy. We call him Prince Frey Frey. He runs the house.
Read more
DreamCoon Valentin Quentin
December 17 2016
White arlekin
DreamCoon Blackman
February 10 2017
Black with white
Hi sweetie:)!!!
We are doing great! I went on a trip to Georgia and left them with my husband for a week LOL. So when I got back you didn't had a couple new habits.eden is definitely the one who causes...
Read more
DreamCoon Amarok
February 10 2017
Hope you like the pictures, he's in the bedroom on the bed with me and his new friend big brother Mr Atticus, he's so comfortable as you can see hes rolling on his back stretching , at night he sleeps... Read more
DreamCoon Carrot
December 18 2016
DreamCoon Electronic
October 18 2016
Red classic tabby
Van Wader
December 17 2016
Black Smoke with white
Such a handsome boy.

I came back from doctors and laid down on couch. Othello never lays on my chest.
Always beside me or at my feet.
Well he must have decided I needed more cuddling since I was ...

Read more
Belladonna DreamCoon
April 07 2011
Vegas DreamCoon
August 26 2013
Hummer DreamCoon
March 29 2012
Horton DreamCoon
March 29 2012
March 31 2016
I just wanted to share some recent pics of Piper. She is doing very well and such a love. Today is her 1st bday so I thought I would share. The picture of her and Lewis is when she was younger....
Read more
Sweetheart Rony
November 01 2016
Black classic tabby
hiya! Rony is scheduled for neutering on april 6th, otherwise he's happy and healthy and had a great checkup and he's getting his boosters on the 16th. he's a real snuggler and a love bug! i have... Read more
DreamCoon Cream Bisquit
May 20 2016
Red smoke
Flurry DreamCoon
October 20 2014
blue silver cl.tabby
Very handsome cat.
He's really slender but his coat is very thick as im sure you're used to.

December 2014

Olaf is doing great!
I attached a recent picture for you, he is such a goofball!...

Read more
DreamCoon Eduardo Red
October 18 2016
Red classic tabby
Here are a couple of pictures of my baby Ollie: He is on the top of the cat stand as you can imagine. He was having his nap when I took his picture. I have switched Ollie over to Life’s Abundance dry... Read more
Yvette DreamCoon
November 14 2013
black and white
DreamCoon Enigma Lava
October 18 2016
Red classic tabby
Luby is so happy with her new friend, that she can't stand herself. The other 2 not so impressed. FYI: Luby was named after my German/Russian friend's sister who was born on Feb 14th and passed awa... Read more
DreamCoon Dominik
August 02 2016
Black silver tabby (mackarel?)
DreamCoon Iberica
October 20 2016
Black smoke
She's growing! Her mane and tail are becoming more fluffy and grey!


She is still growing and learning!
I may decide on get another in the near future!
She does so well with other cats and dogs!...

Read more
Smart Rockwille DreamCoon
January 30 2016
Red classic tabby
Great Feudor DreamCoon
November 21 2014
black cl.tabby
DreamCoon Chesterfield
May 20 2016
Red tabby with white
He makes me laugh! This kitty is so spoiled and curious. We love him and thank you!


Read more
DreamCoon Wonderex Saffron
March 10 2016
Red classic tabby
He seems to be fitting in well so far. He is cute as hell thank you very much.


Read more
Indigo kid
November 01 2015
Blue solid
I bought Indigo Kid from you in February and he has become a really lovable giant! Thank you and picture attached of Indigo.


Read more
Agent of Savannah
April 19 2016
Black spotted tabby
He is such a sweet boy. He runs the house and snuggles everyone! He is really one of the sweetest cats I've been around.


Read more
April 02 2016
Blue classic tabby with white

Thought you may enjoy seeing how Alex is growing...almost 6 months old, 5 kg.
Still as lovable as ever. This perch is in my home office. He is in it almost every day while I work, unless he's...

Read more
Rupert Frank
January 02 2016
Rupert is now known as Gucci!
He has blossomed in to a silly big ol' boy.
He is very handsome and he knows it. He loves to play and is a rascal around the house as his curiousity gets him in to ...

Read more
DreamCoon Kaiser Minou
June 28 2016
You really named your cattery right, Minou is a total DREAM!! We are amazed at his beauty & personality. He's so smart & loving. Truly a dream coon.
We can't thank you enough 😃😘❤😍😻😍... Read more
Jeep Fergus
June 11 2016
Baby Fergus is adapting nicely and is best friends with my dog. Buddy. Buddy even grooms Fergus! Thank you so much for such a wonderful kitten!

Fergus is growing so fast. He is a very playful...

Read more
April 20 2016
Black classic tabby
Elena-- "stony" is the most loving and Adorable boy I have ever known -- I read his fathers biography on the web site and it sounds like our baby boy got his temperament !! He wakes up...
Read more
January 02 2016
Roanwood Coal Miner
January 02 2016
Black smoke
Hi Elena,

Just a quick update on Atlas. He's has settled in and is now completely at home. Got him neutered on Friday. It didn't phase him a bit. Oscar is my 3 year old male beside him. They play...

Read more
Unlocker DreamCoon
February 16 2016
Oh, I love him so much!
He's such a brave little man. And he has a voracious appetite.
I don't think he peed the whole trip, but he certainly went when we got back home.
Thanks again for everything....

Read more
Vintage Marble
February 21 2016
Blue classic tabby
They are best buddies now, never apart! They are so much fun, they follow us around all over the house and even Groucho has come around. Romeo is the sweetest kitty! I can't thank you enough for these... Read more
Wonderful Fabian
March 10 2016
Black (brown) tabby
They dominate our life, it's their house, we just live here



Read more
Tabby Goth
September 01 2015
Black classic tabby
Ninja Silver Dagger
June 12 2015
Black silver tabby
The boys are doing great. They continue to grow and at last weigh in a week or so ago , Rocky was 6.6 kg and Ninja was 7 kg. Ninja just seems much larger than Rocky. They both are very loving but own... Read more
Silicia Arabesque DreamCoon
January 30 2016
Blue solid
Silicia, renamed her Zuri, is the sweetest baby, my teenage boys feel in love with her within the first few minutes and she instantly bonded with my younger son. My other cats love her to pieces after... Read more
Katsu Love Bug DreamCoon
October 20 2015
Brown classic tabby
Feb 08/2016 
Hello Elena! 
Yes the kitties are adapting woderfully. 
In fact they are taking a little nap right now snuggled on the couch. 
Hillary is showing up soon so they...
Read more
Rainy Joy
January 02 2016
Theodore is the newest member of my family. I picked him from the San Francisco International Airport at 11:30PM last night. He was tired and hungry from a 12 hour and 3,000 mile day of travel but he ... Read more
Vivienne DreamCoon
August 26 2013
Just wanted to let you know that Vivienne is settling in really well. She is so sweet - we all love her. Thanks!



Read more
Hurricane Joy DreamCoon
November 25 2015
Black (brown) classic tabby
He loves to hang out on the top of the headboard and bird watch! Look at that paw!!
I'd love others to see the handsome boy if you'd like to put him on your website I can send you more pics!


Read more
July 07 2015
Black classic tabby
We named him Ignacio, and call him Nacho for short. He’s a fabulous cat — beautiful, smart, funny, playful, affectionate . . . I could go on, but I’m sure you get the picture. He has far surpassed o... Read more
Fulvius Maximus
October 09 2015
Black classic tabby
Lolita DreamCoon
May 15 2012
Avrora DreamCoon
December 17 2013
black tortie with white
Handsome Leo DreamCoon
November 25 2015
Black classic tabby with white
DreamCoon Janet Craig
October 05 2015
Black classic tabby
Healthy playful Lil girl great with the dog and so good with my son sleeps in his room at night and plays with his toys with him all shots caught up on regular check ups doing real good with the family.... Read more
Peach Blossom DreamCoon
June 04 2015
Cream with white
Fancy flame DreamCoon
October 09 2015
Red mackerel tabby
Autumn has been acting a little betrayed; prior to Fancy showing up, she was the only star of the show. Now that her bigger sister is on the scene, she has been purring less and hanging back a bit. However,... Read more
Fronda DreamCoon
October 09 2015
Black torbie
February 02 2016

Fronda (Autumn) is the most wonderful, affectionate, intelligent and beautiful girl! She likes to be held and carried around, hugs and head-butts us frequently,...
Read more
Xenon DreamCoon
October 21 2013
black classic tabby
Thank you for our beautiful boy. He is such a wonderful cat!! We may be looking for a silver/white male in the future :)

Felicia & Rich

Read more
Laurel DreamCoon
May 22 2015
Red classic tabby
Chester is 8 months old and doing great! Here is a picture and two videos from the past few days. Enjoy!

Best regards, Marilyn

Here is a picture of Chester at 8 months. He weighs 11.5 lbs!


Read more
May 22 2015
black smoke
Worogeya DreamCoon
August 26 2013
Kiwi (this is her second name) cat is very large and beautiful. She knows her worth. Embodiment of charm and dignity. Very curious and at the same time cautious. She has a wonderful silky hair, very bright... Read more
Rush Silver
July 15 2015
Black silver classic tabby
11/07/2015 Two cute photos of Rush Silver. He is growing fast and fitting in just fine. He loves our dog and snuggles with her often, and is also very fond of my youngest daughter.


Read more
May 22 2015
Black classic tabby
Sterling Lamborghini is a exceptional fly catcher! 11/07/2015 10.5 pounds!!!!!! Hi Elena. Happy new year! Just want to say that we are doing fine! Sterling is just the most wonderful cat I co... Read more
Akella DreamCoon
December 17 2013
black and white
My son insists on calling Akella "Sylvester". I don't know if you are familiar with the cartoon character, Sylvester. He does look like him. However, I call him Akella and he knows his name very we... Read more
DreamCoon Lynx
May 22 2015
Black classic tabby
Lynx is adjusting well. He is eating and using his litter box nicely. He cries when he can't see us and follows us room to room. Greets anyone who enters. We are still working on introduction with dogs.... Read more
Toscana DreamCoon
March 25 2013
Hugs and a purr from sushi 😉😊 Jacqueline Read more
One love DreamCoon
June 07 2015
Black tortie
Hi Elena! Just thought I'd give you an update on OneLove. She is so sweet and cuddly! She loves playing with our other cat and bounds around our apartment like crazy. She also has the longest and fluf... Read more
Molly DreamCoon
May 25 2015
black & white
Molly is bringing our family so much joy! She is so sweet and very funny. She loves everyone, including the dog! 

Hello Elena! Here are a few more pictures of Molly. As you ...
Read more
Chester DreamCoon
February 15 2015
Black classic tabby
Look how gorgeous he is. He is a sweetheart.


Read more
Korston DreamCoon
May 23 2015
Irwin DreamCoon
April 14 2015
Black tabby
Hi Elena!
Louie has had a great first day and night. He cannot stop purring and loves to cuddle. I'm so in love with him already!!! Thank you so much! Here is another picture of him!!!
07/15/2015... Read more
Nifty Wolf DreamCoon
May 30 2012
Thank you very much !!! Fluffy happiness make me happy every day) He is quite large and heavy steel!! Every morning I feel it by myself)) Read more
Jocker DreamCoon
May 06 2012
Magadascar DreamCoon
May 25 2015
black & white
Good evening. As promised, a few photos Mindy Read more
Ocean Nemo DreamCoon
June 07 2015
Black with white
Hi Elena, He is doing GREAT! Had a second vet visit today and he is up to 3.8 lbs and healthy. He is absolutely wonderful. Playful, cuddly, and curious about everything. Sweet to everyone (a... Read more
Willy Fox DreamCoon
August 26 2013
Elena, Considering Morgus had a fear of dogs, Jesse has helped him get over his fears as you can see from the photos and captions below: 
"OK, I WANT YOU off my bed!" 
Read more
Just Memory DreamCoon
April 30 2015
black cl.tabby
Good Morning! I thought I would check in and give you a status update on Memory J She is doing good. She does not like to be picked up but she loves to be petted and stroked. She is so full of personality.... Read more
Maple Leaf DreamCoon
May 25 2015
Red cl.tabby & white
Andrew and Elena…. We just got home. Thanks for meeting us early this morning. Read more
Intrepid DreamCoon
April 14 2015
Black tabby
Hi Elena, Our kitty is growing so fast. He's so sweet and loving. He cuddles like a puppy dog, literally jumping up on the bed and just flopping down as close to me as he can get. We really love his personality!... Read more
Fredy DreamCoon
October 20 2014
blue silver cl.tabby
Hey Elena, hope all is well.  Just wanted to stop by and let you know how fredy is doing.
He is now 15lbs and 38 inches in length!  His tail alone is 16in!  Im thankful to call him mine.  He’s... Read more
Ferrari DreamCoon
October 20 2014
blue silver cl.tabby

Hello, Elena.
We are fine, even wonderful. Our beloved and dearly beloved Stepashka (Ferrari) is growing by leaps and bounds, and never ceases to delight and amaze us. Not only did ...
Read more
Great Fluffy DreamCoon
November 21 2014
black cl.tabby
He's such a sweetheart!! When I come home he runs up to me and starts following me around and purring haha. He's the sunshine in my day always. He actually really loves sitting in one of the windo... Read more
Goldman DreamCoon
November 21 2014
Emelya DreamCoon
September 29 2014
black cl.tabby / white
12/07/14 He is absolutely adorable and settling in. We are keeping him in a smaller room for now- don't want him to get lost. Mike slept with him all night. He loves the kids and is very playful.
Read more
Foxy DreamCoon
October 20 2014
blue silver cl.tabby
Freya DreamCoon
October 20 2014
black silver torbie
Great Fendi DreamCoon
November 21 2014
black cl.tabby
Cleopatra DreamCoon
July 14 2014
black torbie
12/07/2014 The girls are doing well. Cleo (Sasha) is becoming very social, she seems to always have something to say. Lisa and I want to thank you very much for bringing the girls into out home. ... Read more
Diadem DreamCoon
August 11 2014
Elena, The girls are doing well. They are still a bit shy. They are eating and they know where the litter boxes are. Cleo (Sasha) is becoming very social, she seems to always have something ...
Read more
Dandy DreamCoon
August 11 2014
black silver cl.tabby
June 2015:

 He is such a great cat, everybody (including non-cat people) is in love with him. Not only because of his looks, but also for his character - he has no fear of anyone or...
Read more

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